Hot Weather Tips for Your Dog

Hot Weather Tips for Your Dog

How to Keep Your Dog Cool in This Heat? It is HOT this summer! Extreme heat can pose many dangers for your pup. Dogs don’t sweat like us and it can be really difficult for them to cool down, especially on a hot summer day. Heatstroke can and will affect all...
Kennel Cough Awareness

Kennel Cough Awareness

What is Kennel Cough? Kennel cough is an infectious respiratory disease in dogs that spreads from sneezing, “mouthing”, playing in close contact, and sharing water bowls. The disease is highly contagious and can be transmitted easily in any area where many dogs...
Pet Dental Cleaning and Polishing

Pet Dental Cleaning and Polishing

February is National Pet Dental Health Month! Throughout the month of February, we are offering 15% off Dental Cleaning and Polishing.This discount does not include extractions or medications if needed. We recommend bringing your pet in for a dental cleaning at least...